Faith is a notion, that when is strong enough, the one that believes, doesn't have to prove anything to anyone.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Club

Updated 4-7-07. The following couple of pictures, were taken in a club building where Karate classes are held. These orbs are present quite often and the friend of mine that is the instructor there, has taken a number of photos and seen them also. I have done some evp recordings here, but with limited success. I have also taken some video, but the video is of poor quality. I will put up a short video clip soon. I haven't personal had anything happen to me hear, but I know of some that wish to remain anonomous, that have had experiences here. One of the restroom stall doors was locked shut. When they went to go under the door to unlock it, the lock opened on its own. ???


This picture shows a very bright orb moving around. All of the lights were off at the time of this except for some lights at the far right wall which are not visible. This picture has had the brightness turned up.

A larger version of the original photo above is at:
To download, right click and select "Save Target As...."

Here shows orbs all over. We have taken a number of pictures like this in there.

A larger version of the original photo above is at:
To download, right click and select "Save Target As...."

This was taken by a friend of mine. The camera would not focus on the subject in this picture. We tried several photos, but it kept focusing on the orbs.

A larger version of the original photo above is at:
To download, right click and select "Save Target As...."

This was taken by the same friend. The bright orb is in the upper left corner.

A larger version of the original photo above is at:
To download, right click and select "Save Target As...."

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