Faith is a notion, that when is strong enough, the one that believes, doesn't have to prove anything to anyone.

Friday, March 16, 2007

What Changed My Perception of Reality

Updated 4-7-07. This photo was taken in the early morning hours while at work. What led up to this photo, I had on several occasions strange things happen that shouldn't happen. There would be supplies on the shelves as you can see in the photo, that would "fall" off the shelf onto the floor. The supplies in question should not be able to just fall of the shelf because of their shape (IE. a flat box on a flat shelf). Something round or in a plastic bag, I could pass off as simply sliding off. These items would never fall off in front of me but always when I had gone around the corner or while I was away. On several occasions, I would hear footsteps going down an isle, but when I would go look, no one there. All doors into this room are kept locked, and I was the only one on duty during these hours. On a number of occasions I would feel like someone was watching me, but never anyone there. On occasion I would get a glimpse of something moving around the corner, but again, no one there. Upon discussing this with a co-worker, he said that he knew about these things happening and just didn't say anything so no one would get weird about it. He suggested that I bring a camera and take some pictures. He told me about a radio talk show that discussed things like this and I should listen to it. Nothing ever attempted to harm me or any of my co-workers. Only little prank type things happened. One co-worker said that one time, she looked through the racks to where a stool was in front of a computer and saw what looked like someone looking back at her. When she went around the corner to see who was in there with her, they were gone. I will admit that I was fixated when I discovered what I had. I spent more time trying to enhance it than what I spent at work. It became an obsession. Now I know that it was an unhealthy obsession and I have come to appreciate what happened to me. I no longer work in this department, but not for reasons concerning this. It was time to move up to a better position. The object appears to three dimensional depth to it.

A larger version of the original photo below is at:
Right click on the link and select "Save Target As...." or left click to view.

At the corner of the second fluorescent light on the left you will see a white object. At first I thought this was a lens flare. That was until I decided to enlarge it and enhance it. Don't just think it is a flare. If you want, go to the link above and get the larger picture. Crop the image and enhance it however you want. I have several images cropped from the object, which I will share with you, but before I do that, I would like you to examine it first. I would like your opinions before I share what I found in it. I don't want to call this an Orb, but I don't know what exactly to call it. I tend to lean toward some type of portal into another dimension. What is your opinion?

The following are some images that I have been able to pull from the photo. The size is reduced for better clarity from my original croppings.

This is the orb enlarged.
A larger version of the original photo above is at:
Right click on the link and select "Save Target As...." or left click to view.

This has some of the images enhanced.

This is the same as the previous but with the images pulled out.
A larger version of the original photo above is at:
Right click on the link and select "Save Target As...." or left click to view.

Here is my friend. I don't know what to make of this, other than it doesn't appear human.

This looks like some type of skull, but again not human.

Here is what appears as some type of machinery.

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